© 2024 Jewish Women’s Round Table

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The Jewish Women’s Round Table Board

is made up of twelve very active volunteers

from throughout the community:

Ellen Bick is a past president of Congregation Beth Israel Sisterhood and

First Vice President of the Women of Reform Judaism Pacific District, which oversees 12 western states and two Canadian provinces.  Ellen has served the community as a volunteer with the Goose Hollow Shelter, and Loaves and Fishes.

Jackie Constantine has held many positions in Hadasssah, including serving as President. She has also served on the boards of Jewish Family and Child Service, Neveh Shalom Sisterhood, Robison Sisterhood and Portland Civic Theater. Among her other volunteer activities is working on Albertina Kerr Center auctions.

Leslye Epstein served as president of the National Council of Jewish Women, Portland Section from 2004 to 2007. One of the greatest achievements of the organization under Leslye’s leadership was saving the therapy pool at the MJCC from being closed because of a lack of permanent funding. She also has volunteered to work with women in prison, preparing them to get jobs on the outside.

Sue Garber is a member of Beit Haverim. She has served on the Beth Israel Sisterhood Board, helped out at Loaves and Fishes (now called Lift Urban Portland) and served as a member of the Robison Home Sisterhood for many years. Sue is part of the North Coast Shabbat Group, which holds monthly Friday-night services in Seaside; for over 10 years she has handled membership and notifications about services.

Marla Kleinman moved to Portland from Rochester, New York, where she was on the board of  Temple B’rith Kodesh for seven years and chaired the Bernstein Society, which honored its internationally recognized rabbi of 53 years. In Portland she was on the board of Beit Haverim and the chair of the Ritual Committee.  

Diana Lindemann joined JWRT in 2018, while holding the position of president of Portland Hadassah. She has been active in Holocaust-survivor services as co-coordinator for the Next Generations Group of Portland over the last 10 years. She also helps landlords and rental-housing owners through the Rental Housing Alliance Oregon.

Marki Maizels is the current chair of the Round Table. She is a past

president of National Council of Jewish Women, and has volunteered her

skills as writer, designer, video producer and narrator to a number of local

non-profits, including Jewish Family and Child Services and the Oregon

Heart Gallery, which helped find permanent homes for the state’s foster


Jerrie Roth has been part of  JWRT since its inception and served as Hadassah chapter president, as well as holding various positions on their regional board.  She has worked for Jewish Federation on the Super Sunday campaign and has done fundraising for Neveh Shalom Sunday School.  Jerrie was very active in the Robison Jewish Health Center Sisterhood as president and board member.

Martha Soltesz was born in Mexico City, Mexico, and learned about the love of giving from her physician father who helped build schools and hospitals for the natives living in the hills. In Portland, Martha began volunteering at Cedar Sinai Park’s Rose Schnitzer Manor Independent and Assisted Living 10 years ago.

Joan Stiber moved to Portland in 2014 and immediately became an active member of Congregation Kesser Israel, supporting and helping the synagogue in many areas. Being a retired teacher, Joan volunteers at Maayan Jewish Day School and has volunteered at Maimonides Jewish Day School.

Adele Thompson is a long-time member of Havurah Shalom and is often involved with "nuts and bolts" projects, as well as working with its Shabbat School and youth group. In the community, her focus on gardens and growing food reflects her commitment to the environment and involvement with the OSU Master Gardener program.

Barbara Weiland of Shaarie Torah Sisterhood has been coordinating sales for the congregation’s hamentashen fundraiser for many years.  She became a Song of Miriam honoree in 2010 for her dedication and steady leadership.  Barbara has been a long-time volunteer for her synagogue and the community.