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The 2024 Song of Miriam Awards Brunch was held on Sunday, June 9th at the

Mittleman Jewish Community Center.

It honored 18 women from the Portland area, the Willamette Valley, Southwest Washington

and central Oregon.

More than 250 people attended. Mel Berwin, Director of Congregational Learning at

Congregation Neveh Shalom, gave the D’Var Torah, and the awards were presented to honorees by emcees

Toby Blake and Marki Maizels.

Front row from left: Rose Marshall, Sara Radcliffe, Ruth Bolliger, Laura Dawson, Carlie Dunn, Vicki Rotstein, Sarah Shine, Bonnie Newman

Back row from left: Chava Mirel Daitchman, Laura Bergstrom, Nadine Gartner, Jan Lieberman, Karen Maher, Sheryl Martel, Rachel Peck, Rose Schneier, Margaret Gotesman.  

Not pictured: Doria Raetz